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Showing posts from September, 2021

Free gifts + free shipping! Halloween Sale

Halloween is almost here!! To get you ready, for the next 4 days, get free shipping on every order no minimum. Plus when you order things that ship physically... 1. Order over $20 and get an eye-melting way to tear cards and INSTANTLY restore them to life . 2. Order over $40 and you'll get the September Penguin Magic Monthly FILLED with tons of tricks, including a secret device to make coins appear in a glass.  This will sell out soon. 3. Order over $80 and you'll also get a pack of Marked Cards and 2 hours of ...

"You won't find a card trick that is more fair." -Larry Hass

"I was hesitant when a neighbor threw me a deck and said show me something so I gave this a try, and blew them away more than once. " -Jim Carlough I love this trick. And I'll go through all the reason why. First, here's what happens: 1. Spectator shuffles a deck, then peaks at ANY card -- all in their own hands!!  2. The deck is then shuffled AGAIN, before you even look at the cards!! 3. Then, the spectator chooses (again a free choice) a random selection ...

Make your phone vanish while THEY'RE holding it!

This is great.  It's a device that lets you vanish your phone, even while someone else is holding on to it. It's not for everyone (it's a bit pricy), but I wanted you to see it because it's really clever. It's a custom electronic device. You can actually use your own phone and case. And once it's gone, you can make it reappear anywhere you like. In your pocket, inside a vault, stuck to the ceiling, in your shoe, whatever you want. Check it out here. If you like...

Only 5 Magic School seats left for these classes.


"I NEVER would have thought of this!" -Doug Henderson

"Impressive, deceptive and entertaining" - Joe Rindfleisch A straw visually changes from one color to another and your hands are completely empty! Watch it performed here: "I never would have thought of this technique! I had no idea straws had these properties! Very simple gimmick to make. No crafting skills required." - Doug Henderson This brand new trick uses a prop you find at your local fast food joint, and is PURE eye candy. Just when you think you know wh...

Looks like CGI. One of the best card tricks of the year!

You see the moment the entire deck sorts itself. It looks like a special effect.  Plus this trick gives off some really cool time-travel vibes that you are going to LOVE. This is a masterpiece from Nathan Kranzo's working repertoire. Watch a full performance here: Here's what happens, and why it's so great: 1. A card is freely chosen, then it's not just lost in the deck, but the entire deck is shuffled face up and face down. It's a mess! 2. Then, in the blink ...

Want to win $100? Who doesn't!

Anyone can win up to $100 when they play this game. They make ALL the choices. They even get to set the game up any way they like!!  But no matter how clever they are, you win every time. Watch a FULL performance here: Here's what happens: 1. You set up a board with 6 spaces lettered A-F. 2. Your spectator decides where to put 6 different prizes: ($1, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100).  It's a genuine free choice. 3. When they're satisfied, you reveal the steps of the ga...

The trick Oz Pearlman did on TV..

Pros are calling it a game changer. It quickly sold-out at the last Magic Live, and we finally have more. It's not cheap, but if you want the best, this is it. And don't miss the new unboxing video (trailer #2) that will show you what you get and why it's special. I posted a full performance of Oz performing on AGT (scroll down on the following page to see it).  It's a stunning routine, and I have no idea how he did all of it, but there's one devious, handmade  utility device you may recognize... http:/...

"This trick LIVES in my wallet." -Rick Lax

You use one card. That's it. You're holding one card, and your spectator guesses what it is. Earning a permanent spot in a professional magician's wallet is high praise! Find out why "Masterpiece" deserves it: Early reviews have started coming in... "This is my NEW OPENER for any card set to a new audience!" - Brandon Remey "A magic geek's beautiful little dream. Masterpiece went immediately into all my close-up and parlor work." -Rev...

FREE TODAY: a magic trick you can do at Starbucks.

Just grab a stir stick and bag and you're ready! View this email in your browser ...