Hi Adnan,
This is Mahmoud from NeoSmart Technologies; yesterday you downloaded EasyBCD from us and I just wanted to check in and see if everything is going well. Usually, our users end up using EasyBCD when their PC is giving them some problems and they're trying to get things working again.
I hope you've found our software useful and that your PC is back up and running again. If you're still having problems though, maybe we can help you out?
We've actually developed our own custom repair CD for Windows; it's been under development for a number of years and we've finally been able to achieve something we've been working on for a very long time. Easy Recovery Essentials is a bootable image that you can download from our website and burn to a CD or USB and boot from it on the PC you need to fix.
Download EasyRE for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10
What's special about EasyRE is that the entire repair process has literally been boiled down to a single click. Our development of system and boot utilities for Windows over the past 11 years has allowed us to create a system that will automatically scan your PC and repair errors as it goes along. EasyRE starts with the hardware and tests it for functionality and then moves on to check the MBR and partition records for any issues, before automatically identifying Windows installations and rebuilding the bootloader and relevant boot files to get your PC booting once again.
We can guarantee that EasyRE will fix almost all boot errors - even those Microsoft's own repair utilities can't - and it can also sort out many blue screens of death, registry problems, driver conflicts, and other common Windows errors that prevent your PC from starting up. If you're still having trouble with your PC, give EasyRE a try - it might save you from having to take your PC in to the shop or needing to format and reinstall Windows as a last ditch effort.
Best of luck,
NeoSmart Technologies
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