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Down to the Election Day wire

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Oct 31, 2022 View in browser
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By Madison Fernandez

Presented by PREMION

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We're just under 200 hours away from Election Day (but who's counting). There are a lot of numbers floating around, between polls and early voting. It can be a lot to make sense of. So what do the experts think?

Your host discussed the state of play with Chris Stirewalt, political editor at NewsNation, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a contributing editor at The Dispatch, and Josh Clinton, senior election analyst at NBC News and a Vanderbilt University professor specializing in public opinion and polling. Both took part in a panel hosted by the Vanderbilt Project on Unity and American Democracy earlier this month.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity. 

Talk to me a bit about your sense of the early voting numbers. What are you taking away from it? Are there things that we should be cautious of when we're looking at these numbers? 

Stirewalt: I won't say that I'm ignoring them completely. But we have to remember we went from having in 2016, 40 percent of ballots cast early and absentee, to 2020 when it increased by 50 percent. We have very little idea what voter behaviors are going to be like. Do we have a lot of people who became pandemic absentee voters who like it and are going to stay? How much of a snap back to pre-pandemic voter behavior are we going to see? We don't really know. I think for that reason, I'm just not putting too much stock into it.

Clinton: Even if the Democrats are doing better than they were earlier, it doesn't matter, right? Because you have no idea what the Election Day vote is going to look like. Democrats have made the mistake in the past, thinking, "We've got really great early voting numbers," and it turns out, their Election Day numbers were horrible because their voters were all voting early. You can tell yourself a good story, and then be sorely disappointed if you're a Democrat.

Do you think that undecided voters are going to be inclined to hit the polls? 

Stirewalt: The unicorn voter is the voter who is a high propensity voter, who is not that ideological. We know that the more ideological you are, or the more partisan you are, that's closely indexed to the likelihood that you're going to vote. Finding the people who are truly persuadable that are high propensity voters, those people are likely to be more educated, they're likely to be more affluent. … So if you're a Democrat, you're like, this is good because we do better with college educated folks than Republicans do.

I point back to Virginia in November of last year, where these Biden-Youngkin voters make a difference. And these folks are going to turn out. When you have more than three-quarters of the country concerned about the direction of the country, that means that it's crossed over partisan lines — they may be thinking about it from different problems, but it certainly crossed over and it's in the air, right? People are anxious, people are very concerned. And I think you are going to see a lot of these unicorns go out there.

And that's why, to me, the range of outcomes is so broad, because there's still enough time for another shift. So Democrats are kicking themselves because they feel like they peaked too early. … There may be enough time for the worm to turn yet again, and that the Republicans may be the ones who have peaked too early. I just think we should welcome and embrace the fact that there's a lot more uncertainty in this midterm than in a typical midterm year.

Clinton: Particularly looking at non-white voters, they're talking about the economy, issues of crime, jobs, inflation, which are more similar to what Republicans have been emphasizing. Now you see Democrats massively trying to pivot their message, because now they're worried, are they mobilizing possibly the suburbs at the expense of urban voters or non-white voters who are a part of their base? I don't think we know how voters are going to respond.

Do you think it's too late for that pivot in messaging?

Stirewalt: I think parties and political professionals overestimate the importance of their messages. … The truth is Democrats did wait too long to talk about two issues in an effective way. First and foremost, the economy. The late pivot to the economy does look a little ridiculous. But the other one that I think was just leaving money on the table for Democrats, was talking about crime.

What are some challenges that you foresee coming up this year in calling the elections?

Clinton: The states that have multiple modes of voting, and when they count their vote differently — especially when they report their vote and you're not quite sure exactly what the fraction of vote is that they're reporting or how much is early, or how much of it is Election Day vote — that can make it really complicated. … You try to be cognizant and humble about what you know and what you don't know about what's going on. We know what's been counted. But we don't know what hasn't been counted. We can call and talk to elected officials, but sometimes they don't even know.

Stirewalt: I think for Democrats, the period from 9 to 11 on election night, they're going to know the tale. … If we have a bunch of decisive races earlier in the evening, that's good news for Republicans. If it gets stuck and slows down, that's what Democrats will be looking for.

How can trust be built in elections? 

Stirewalt: States and elections officials need to get faster with their count as the modes of ballot casting have changed. And it's understandable that there's been a lag, but we have to catch up because the opportunities for mischief and misdeeds in that uncertain period are real, and they have to be cognizant of it. Democrats, if they do get skunked, better be magnanimous, and they better be accepting of the results. They better set a good example for what kind of behavior we should expect.

Clinton: I think the media also can play an important role in helping show transparency. For example, in Virginia, rural counties in the West are always counting the vote quicker than the more urban counties. You're always going to start very, very Republican, and so making voters aware that's not some kind of funny business. We count votes at the local level, some counties have more people and different processes for doing that.

How much should we be taking away from the polls?

Stirewalt: On the one hand, you have the deficiencies in polling that substantially relate to rock-bottom response rates. We have not found an answer yet to the very, very low response rates among everybody, but particularly among Republican voters, and trying to control for that can lead you into some strange spaces. On the other hand, we also have a real problem with wanting polls to be what they are not and can never be, which is perfectly predictable. The way that I think about polling late in an election cycle like this — I'm not looking at the numbers to tell me what the outcome is going to be. I'm looking for directional movement.

Clinton: Polls can be fun, and they are something to look at, but at the end of the day, they're just noise relative to kind of what really matters. That's kind of making sure that your actual decisions as a citizen are not determined by these kinds of people, the decisions that are being made by pollsters and the people who decide to participate in polls. They give us some crude sense about which states are going to be close or not, but our error around our polls is far greater than we'd like to admit, and that can lead us to kind of some really bad places and bad assessments.

It's Monday, Oct. 31. What's more timely than a Halloween-themed campaign spot ? Send tips, tricks and treats at and @madfernandez616 .

Days until the general election: 8

Days until the 2022 World Cup: 20

Days until the 2024 election: 736


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For winning campaigns, every CTV impression counts
With more and more voters cutting the cord, CTV is an essential media channel for engaging them. A new report by Campaigns & Elections and Premion helps political marketers navigate the increasingly fragmented and complex streaming TV marketplace and provides insights for effective planning and buying of CTV advertising. Download the complimentary report, Streaming TV and the Political Market: Navigating CTV Advertising in the 2022 Campaign Cycle here.


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PELOSI ATTACK — The assault on Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul inside their San Francisco home early Friday morning reverberated across the campaign trail over the weekend, with some Democratic campaigns acknowledging increased threats of violence and some Republican campaigns exercising extra caution in their rhetoric. As my colleagues Sarah Ferris and Jeremy B. White report , Republicans are facing new criticism for how they portray Pelosi — as a "liberal elite," criticizing her for "lying" or working with Biden to "destroy" the country — in campaign ads, as they have been cycle after cycle. The suspect steeped himself in online disinformation about fraud in the 2020 election.

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel called it "unfair" that Democrats would draw a direct line between her party's villainizing of Pelosi and the home invasion. She blamed the attack on rising crime that she sought to connect to the Democrats, saying, "If this weren't Paul Pelosi, this criminal would probably be out on the street tomorrow ... This is what Democrat policies are bringing." NRSC chair Rick Scott (Fla.) suggested on Sunday that "horrible" violence was in part a result of lower public trust in elections. And NRCC chair Tom Emmer (Minn.) pushed back on the idea that a video he posted last week shooting a gun with the hashtag "#FirePelosi" was suggestive or risky.

AS HEARD ON RADIO — "A group launched by longtime Donald Trump aide Stephen Miller has been quietly running radio ads warning white voters that the Biden administration is pursuing a host of policies designed to hurt them because of their race," POLITICO's Meridith McGraw writes . The ad "represents one of the most openly race-based spots of the cycle, amplifying tropes that have historically been used to generate backlash to minority groups."

WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM … — Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is "releasing video advertisements bolstering gubernatorial hopefuls Tudor Dixon of Michigan and Doug Mastriano of Pennsylvania — an unusual move for a first-time candidate still in the throes of a competitive race, but one that starkly illustrates Lake's meteoric rise in the national party," POLITICO's Alex Isenstadt reports .

GOP LIMITS? — A slate of controversial GOP House nominees testing what voters are willing to stomach could threaten the gains Republicans can make this fall — or, potentially, have their views among those that shape a future Republican House majority, POLITICO's Ally Mutnick writes about Republican candidate for MI-03 John Gibbs. "Few GOP candidates have compiled as massive an online record as Gibbs — which Democratic opponent Hillary Scholten and her allies have used to her advantage. … National Republicans are still airing TV ads for Gibbs, hoping that voters overlook his controversial comments amid their discontent about the economy."

CALI CORNER — Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom's campaign has looked different from the closely-contested races from Oregon to New York, where Democratic governors are fighting for their political lives. POLITICO's Lara Korte writes: "Newsom's chances of winning reelection against a massively underfunded Republican are so assured, he's barely bothered to mention it. Instead, he's been focused on abortion rights, boosting fellow Democratic candidates, and combating what he sees as the rising tide of Republican extremism on the national stage. Sliding into a second term might be good for Newsom, but it could be bad for the party. The lack of a competitive race at the top of the ticket could mean low turnout — an unwelcome prospect for Democrats running in critical, closely-contested congressional races in Orange County and the Central Valley."

… Newsom has quietly built a digital juggernaut as he coasts to reelection, POLITICO's Chris Cadelago reports. That includes 6 million emails and 1.5 million phone numbers, raising $113 million since fighting last year's recall attempt — including about $20 million through the digital operation. He's spread more than $6 million to other Democratic candidates and causes ahead of the election, with much going to fellow gubernatorial candidates.

ENDORSEMENT CORNER — "For nearly 70 years, federal law has barred churches from directly involving themselves in political campaigns, but the IRS has largely abdicated its enforcement responsibilities as churches have become more brazen about publicly backing candidates," Jeremy Schwartz and Jessica Priest report for ProPublica and The Texas Tribune . Andrew Seidel, vice president of strategic communications for the advocacy group Americans United for Separation of Church and State, likened the "ability to wade into partisan politics with a total absence of financial oversight" to "super PACs that are black holes."

Examples from the investigation include: "In January, an Alaska pastor told his congregation that he was voting for a GOP candidate who is aiming to unseat Republican U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, saying the challenger was the 'only candidate for Senate that can flat-out preach.' During a May 15 sermon, a pastor in Rocklin, California, asked voters to get behind 'a Christian conservative candidate' challenging Gov. Gavin Newsom. And in July, a New Mexico pastor called Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham 'beyond evil' and 'demonic' for supporting abortion access. He urged congregants to 'vote her behind right out of office' and challenged the media to call him out for violating the Johnson Amendment."

NOT MANY SPARKS — More than two-thirds of American voters say they support marijuana legalization, but fewer than 1 in 5 congressional candidates in the 2022 primaries staked out clear positions on cannabis policy, POLITICO's Mona Zhang reports. "Without clear evidence that cannabis support moves the needle positively in their races, candidates are wary of deviating from the status quo, experts say. The one thing that data shows us is that talking about cannabis doesn't hurt most candidates. … Some evidence from past elections indicates that cannabis might motivate younger voters."


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— A dozen Senate candidates spent more than $5 million over the first 19 days of October, as the race for the chamber reached its crescendo, POLITICO's Steve Shepard reports. Of the top 15 spenders, 11 were Democrats — a dynamic that has led to massive independent expenditures by Republican groups to bridge the gap.

— The Democratic Governors Association has created an independent expenditure committee in New York to boost Gov. Kathy Hochul in the final week of her election bid, POLITICO's Bill Mahoney reports . An exact dollar amount for the DGA's spending was not yet available, but the group is promising that the figure will be enough to counter the Republican messaging. RGA has given $1.2 million of contributions in recent weeks to Save Our State, one of the independent expenditure committees boosting Republican Lee Zeldin. It gave $750,000 to another such group, Safe Together New York, last Thursday.

— Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.) is spending six figures from his leadership PAC to reactivate the network that helped elect him and fellow Democrat Raphael Warnock two years ago, POLITICO's Elena Schneider reports . "The network of field organizers is racing to turn out every possible voter for Nov. 8 — and then may have to turn around and do it again four weeks later, if the Warnock-Walker race goes to a runoff because no one got a majority of the vote."

— Sentinel Action Fund, a super PAC associated with the conservative advocacy organization Heritage Action for America, is spending $1 million to boost Republican Don Bolduc in the New Hampshire Senate race as polling shows him surging. The group is launching an attack ad against incumbent Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan.


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— Citizens for Sanity, a nonprofit organization working with prominent Republican consultants, ran spots concerning immigration, inflation and the war in Ukraine during the World Series games over the past few days. The group ran anti-immigration ads during MLB games this postseason in certain markets, The Athletic's Richard Deitsch writes . "As a general rule, political ads that run within sporting events during election cycles have to be cleared by a standards and practices department either at the corporate level for national ads, or locally in-market." An MLB spokesperson said it "does not believe it should be in the role of censoring political advertising."

— The Great Task, Rep. Liz Cheney's (R-Wyo.) PAC is out with a spot against Republicans Kari Lake and secretary of state candidate Mark Finchem in Arizona. "We cannot give people power who will not honor elections," Cheney says.

— American Crossroads, the Mitch McConnell-linked super PAC, is hitting Democratic Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman over his performance at last week's debate. The compilation of clips from TV news coverage highlights the difficulty he had due to his auditory processing issues from his stroke earlier this year.

— Democratic Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak is pointing out big spending from Robert Bigelow to boost Republican Joe Lombardo. "Bigelow is single handedly funding Lombardo's campaign, buying a governor who will always say yes," the spot says .

— Republican candidate for Oregon governor Christine Drazan continues to tie Democrat Tina Kotek to Democratic Gov. Kate Brown. "A vote for Tina Kotek is four more years of Kate Brown," a spot says . "And we can't afford four more years of the same."


DON'T MISS POLITICO'S 2nd ANNUAL DEFENSE SUMMIT ON 11/16: The United States is facing a defining moment in the future of its defense, national security and democratic ideals. The current conflicts and developments around the world are pushing Washington to reshape its defense strategy and how it cooperates with allies. Join POLITICO for our second annual defense summit, "At a Crossroads: America's Defense Strategy" on November 16 in person at the Schuyler DC or join online to hear keynote interviews and panels discussing the road ahead for America's national security. REGISTER HERE .

Presidential Big Board

— As former President Donald Trump finalizes his own midterm rally schedule, a half-dozen GOP senators have launched their own campaign expeditions that party insiders are sure to notice, POLITICO's Burgess Everett reports . That group includes Florida's Rick Scott, Iowa's Joni Ernst, as well as Tim Scott of South Carolina, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Ted Cruz of Texas and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. No one wants to get ahead of the former president, but there's a sense among Republicans that some senators may run even if Trump does — and many more will if the former president backs off.

… But as my colleague Lisa Kashinsky notes , the stream of would-be presidential hopefuls that typically flows through New Hampshire has slowed to a trickle ahead of November, with many big names gravitating elsewhere.

CODA — HEADLINE OF THE DAY: "The Power of the Native Vote Is Reshaping Alaska Politics" ( The New Republic )


A message from PREMION:

For winning campaigns, every CTV impression counts
With the explosive growth in streaming TV, more and more voters are cutting the cord and Connected TV (CTV) is an essential media channel for engaging them.

What are best practices when it comes to buying CTV? When should you be concerned about ad fraud and how can you best mitigate the risk? What should you do to ensure you have access to the CTV inventory you need this cycle? What does a smart CTV ad plan look like in 2022? A new report by Campaigns & Elections and Premion helps answer these questions and more.

The report is a must-read for political marketers who need to navigate the increasingly fragmented and complex streaming TV marketplace to effectively plan and buy CTV advertising.

Download the complimentary report, Streaming TV and the Political Market: Navigating CTV Advertising in the 2022 Campaign Cycle here.


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